The agave is baked in our vertical autoclave ovens at medium high pressure. The amount of time makes a big difference. We slow cook for 14 hours.
The next phase is the agave nectar extraction via a 4-mil press that also adds the artesian well water to reduce the agave nectar to a fermentable solution.
The next phase is transferring the mosto to our 23,000-liter open vat fermentation tanks, these are in an open-air area with the upper walls screened to keep debris from blowing in. Here it ferments for approximately 4 days or until fermentation stops and the specific gravity is reached.
Once fermented it is transferred to our stainless-steel pot stills with reflux columns and distilled to 30% ABV. The second and final distillation takes place in our copper pot stills to complete the distillation at 55% ABV.